Kann mir einer den Text ins Englische übersetzen?
Freitag, 9. April 2010, 12:54
Abgelegt unter: Regierung

Damit Deutschland ihr eigenes Truppenkontingent zur NATO beitragen konnte, mussten erst einmal Soldaten rekutiert werden. Deshalb war an dem Deutschlandvertrag die Gründung der Bundeswehr gebunden. Es gab schon im Vorraus einige geheime Vobereitungen zum Aufbau westdeutscher Streitkräfte; es wurde extra dafür ein Minister eingestellt. Trotz der Zustimmung der Alliiertenzur Wiederbewaffnung Deutschlands gab es innerhalb des Staates viele innenpolitische Widerstände.
Im Jahre 1956 bechloss die Regierung die allgemeine Wehrpflicht einzuführen. Die Bundeswehr gab es nur im Westen. Im Osten gab es die Nationale Volksarmee.
Die NVA wurde offiziell am 18.1.1956 gegründet. Doch auch die DDR hatte sich schon darauf vorbereitet und konnte schnell viele Leute rekrutieren. Da es nicht genug Freiwillige gab, wurde ab 1962 auch in der DDR die allgemeine Wehrpflicht eingeführt. Die Regeln für die Soldaten waren dort sehr viel strenger.
Wäre für eine Antwort sehr glücklich.

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  • Reni sagt:

    To be able to add its own contingent of troops to the NATO, Germany had to recruit soldiers as a start. The Germany-contract thus implicated the foundation of the German Federal Armed Forces. There were several preparations for the organisation of west-German armed forces in advance; a minister just for this case was even employed. Despite of the allies‘ consent to the rearmament of Germany, there were many domestically oppositions inside of Germany.
    In the year 1956 the government decided to institute general conscription. The Federal Armed Service, nevertheless, existed only in West Germany, whereas in the East there was the National Army. The NA was officially founded on January 18th, 1956. Due to the preparations also in the GDR, many people could be recruited fast. But as there were not enough volunteers, the general conscription was also instituted in the GDR. The rules for soldiers immediately became stricter.
    Edit: Danke muli! Hab’s geändert.

  • wolschou sagt:

    In order for germany to contribute its own military contingent to NATO, troops had be recruited; the Germany Treaty was therefore tied to the constituation of a military body in West Germany, the Bundeswehr.
    Covert advance preparations were accompanied by the formation of a ministry of defense.
    While the allies appreciated west germany’s effort to rearm itself, it was opposed by several national factions, until finally in 1956 the government instigated a general conscription to Bundeswehr.
    Bundeswehr is incidently the name of only the west german military, its eastern counterpart was the Nationale Volksarmee, NVA, which was officially founded January, 18th, 1956. Being as well prepared as west germany, the German Democratic Republic, GDR was able to recruit a substantial number of troops to the NVA, but from 1962 also had to rely on general subscription in order to fill its ranks. Military law was much more strict in NVA.
    das wäre die übersetzung… aber vielleicht solltest du grundsätzlich noch mal am aufbau arbeiten…

  • muli1111 sagt:

    sehr schön. aber am hervorstechendsten finde ich „DDR“.
    im englishen wird daraus die german democratic republik, als GDR. am rest finde ich wenig auszusetzen.

  • you know you love me sagt:

    Reni ist richtig! ich bin aus england, und so, englisch sprechen.

  • Hännah sagt:

    Oha…hmm haste wahrscheinlich in so ein Übersetzungsprogramm eingegen was?

  • mr.goldi sagt:

    So that Germany could contribute their own troop contingent to NATO, only once soldiers had to be rekutiert. Therefore the establishment of the German Federal Armed Forces was bound at the Germany contract. There were already in the Vorraus some secret Vobereitungen for the setting up of West German armed forces; specially for it a Minister was adjusted. Despite the agreement to ally-to of the rearmament of Germany there were many relating to domestic affairs of resistances within the state. To introduce in the year 1956 bechloss the government the compulsory military service. The German Federal Armed Forces gave it only in the west. In the east there was the national People’s Army. The NVA was created officially to 18.1.1956. But also the GDR had already prepared for it and could recruit fast many people. Since there were not enough freiwillige, starting from 1962 also in the GDR the compulsory military service was introduced. The rules for the soldiers were there very many stricter.

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