The Swiss Family Robinson [Broschiert]
Mittwoch, 7. September 2011, 01:06
Abgelegt unter: Allgemein

Grade 3-5– It goes without saying that, in the process of condensing and rewriting these books down to a fourth-grade reading level, most of the distinguished aspects of the works–writing style, language, atmosphere, characterization–have been sacrificed for a simple, not to say simplistic, master-plots approach that conveys the incidents but fails to impart the justification for their continuing endurance in the canon of juvenile literature. The books are illustrated with some attention paid to the sense of the plots and characters. For those who persist in the fallacy that knowing what the so-called „classics“ of children’s literature are about is a satisfactory substitution for actually experiencing them by reading the original, this series is acceptable. For the rest of us, it’s as if someone’s painted a guppy white and called it Moby Dick. –Christine Behrmann, New York Public LibraryCopyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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