Wer kann mich mit einer übersetzung retten ???
Samstag, 10. April 2010, 05:34
Abgelegt unter: Regierung

wer kann mir den text ins englische übersetzen ??
Arthur Scargill (*11. Januar 1938 in Worsbrough Dale, South Yorkshire) war von 1981 bis 2000 der Chef der britischen Gewerkschaft National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), gründete 1996 die Socialist Labour Party und ist seitdem deren Vorsitzender. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch den Minenarbeiterstreik 1984/1985 und seine bittere politische Opposition zu Margaret Thatcher.
Scargill arbeitete nach seinem Schulbesuch seit 1953 als Bergmann in der Wooley Colliery. 1955 begann er sein organisiertes politisches Engagement als Mitglied der Young Communist League. 1962 trat er aus dieser jedoch wieder aus und wurde Mitglied in der Labour Party. Ab 1973 war er Führer der Yorkshire Miners Union, dabei war er unter anderem federführend bei der Organisation des Bergarbeiterstreiks von 1973, welcher zum Sturz der Regierung Edward Heath führte. 1981 stieg er auf zum Chef der NUM.

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  • Kerstin D sagt:

    Warum probierst du es nicht zuerst selbst, und bittest uns dann um Hilfe, bei den Woertern oder Textstellen, wo Du nicht weiter kommst. Dann helf ich gerne.
    Hausuebungen haben einen Sinn, und man sollte sie selbst machen.

  • Diana sagt:

    Wenn du in google gehst, steht rechts von der Haupseite „Sprachtools“. Da kannst du deinen Text reinkopieren und übersetzen lassen.

  • Dr.Seuss sagt:

    Arthur Scargill (*Januar, 11th 1938 in Worsbrough Dale, South Yorkshire) had been head of the britisch labor union National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1981 until 2000. 1996 he founded the Socialist Labour Party and has been their chairman since. He got known especially because of the miners strike in 1984/85 and because of his political opposition to Margaret Thatcher.
    After school Scargill started working as a miner in Wooley in 1953. In 1955 he started his organized political engagement as a member of the Young Communist League. Since 1973 he had lead the Yorkshire Miners Union, where he was a in charge of the organisation of the miners strike in 1973, which lead to the downfall of the government of Edward Heath. In 1981 he was promoted head of the NUM.
    Sollte so einigermaßen stimmen. Das nächste mal machst du deine hausaufgaben aber selber, sonst lernst du ja nie Englisch. Und das ist in der heutigen Zeit verdammt wichtig.

  • goslar sagt:

    A.S., born on 11 Jan 1938 in Worsborough Dale, South Yorkshire, was leader of the British National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1981 to 2000. He founded the Socialist Labour Party in 1996 and has been its chairmen since then. He has become particularly famous because of the miners‘ strike in 1984 / 85 and his bitter political opposition to Margaret Thatcher.
    After finishing school Scargill worked since 1953 as a miner in the Wooley Colliery. In 1955 he began his organised political engagement as a member of the Young Communist League. In 1962 he left it and became member of the Labour Party. From 1973 he was leader of the Yorkshire Miners Union whereby he was, among others, one of the leaders in organising the miners‘ strike of 1973, which led to the resignment of the government Edward Heath. In 1981 he climbed up to become the boss of the NUM.

  • Calimero sagt:

    Arthur Scargill (born January 11, 1938) was the leader of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1981 to 2000 and is presently (2006) the leader of the Socialist Labour Party, a political party he founded in 1996.
    Scargill was born in Worsbrough Dale, just south of Barnsley, the son of Harold Scargill, a miner and a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. He became a miner after leaving school, working at Woolley Colliery from 1953. He soon became a left-wing political activist, joining the Young Communist League from 1955-1962. He became a member of the Labour Party 1962-1996. Then he became the leader of the Yorkshire division of the NUM 1973-1981. In 1973 he was instrumental in organising the miners‘ strike which led to the fall of Edward Heath’s Government in March 1974. Scargill became president of the NUM in 1981, with Mick McGahey as vice-president.

  • He-Man sagt:

    Arthur Scargill (*11 January 1938 in Worsbrough Dale, South Yorkshire) was the boss of the British trade union of Mineworkers (NUM) between 1981 to 2000 and founded the Socialist labour party in 1996, since then he is its chairman. He became popular by the mine worker strike in 1984/1985 and because of his bitter political opposition Margaret Thatcher.
    After his school, Scargill has worked as a miner in the Wooley Colliery since 1953. In 1955 he began his organized political commitment as a member of the Young Communist League. however in 1962 he stepped out of this and became member in the labour party. Starting from 1973 he was leader of the Yorkshire Miners union, he was responsible among other things for the organization of the mountain worker strike of 1973, which led to the fall of the government Edward Heath. In 1981 he rose on to the boss of the NUM.

  • Annette S sagt:

    Zu meiner Schulzeit gab es das Internet und Übersetzungsprogramme noch nicht. Wir mußten uns auch alles selbst erarbeiten. Ihr macht es euch heutzutage viel zu leicht. Versuch es erstmal selbst, ohne Hilfe. Wenn du dann nicht mehr weiter weißt, kannst du ja immer noch fragen.

  • steffie sagt:

    Arthur Scargill (*11. January 1938 in Worsbrough Dale, South Yorkshire) was national from 1981 to 2000 the boss of the British trade union union OF Mineworkers (NUM), created 1996 the Socialist labour party and is since then their chairman. Admits became it particularly by the mine worker strike 1984/1985 and its bitter political opposition Margaret Thatcher. Scargill worked after its school attendance since 1953 as a miner in the Wooley Colliery. 1955 it began its organized political commitment as a member of the Young Communist League. 1962 it stepped out this however and became member in the labour party. Starting from 1973 he was leader of the Yorkshire Miners union, he was among other things responsible at the organization of the mountain worker strike of 1973, which led to the fall of the government Edward Heath. 1981 it rose on to the boss of the NUM.

  • Blood-La sagt:

    Arthur Scargill (* 11 January 1938 in Worsbrough Dale, South Yorkshire) was national from 1981 to 2000 the boss of the British trade union union OF Mineworkers (NUM), gr?ete 1996 the Socialist labour party and is since then their chairman. Admits became it particularly by the mine worker strike 1984/1985 and its bitter political opposition Margaret Thatcher. Scargill worked after its school attendance since 1953 as a miner in the Wooley Colliery. 1955 it began its organized political commitment as a member of the Young Communist League. 1962 he withdrew out these however again and became member in the labour party. Starting from 1973 it was F?er of the Yorkshire Miners union, it was among other things federf?end at the organization of the mountain worker strike of 1973, which f?te for the fall of the government Edward Heath. 1981 it rose on to the boss of the NUM.

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